Traditional Rite II Service
Sunday at 8 AM Traditional Service with Holy Communion A traditional Rite II liturgy with hymns and a sermon. We gather at the altar rail for communion.
Contemporary Service
Sunday at 10 AM Contemporary Service with Holy Communion A new approach to the Anglican liturgy in contemporary language with contemporary music. This is an informal family-friendly service. Children may stay for the whole service; or may join the children’s activities and then reunite with their families for Communion.
Mar 9, 2025
Virtual Worship via Zoom
Our 10 am contemporary service or morning prayer are also available via Zoom for those who wish to worship with us virtually. Click the link below and use the Meeting ID and passcode listed. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89632005621?pwd=ZSsvSzVJUGZQNElHU0lMMDFvSnNFUT09 Meeting ID: 896 3200 5621 Passcode: 123123
Healing Service
Healing Service The Healing Service is where we come together and pray for those who are sick or in need of healing. Our Healing Service provides a nurturing and caring environment in which healing can happen. The greatest healing one can obtain is the reunion or reconciliation with God. When this occurs, one’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is restored, and relationships are renewed.
Meditation Group
Join a meditation group We will be exploring different types of meditation. We will start with a Mindfulness Meditation and explore guided meditations and more. The sessions are open to all at St. Peter’s. Saturdays in March in the Library at 1:00 pm Subsequent Saturdays will meet at 10:30 am
Daughters of the King
The Order of Daughters of the King, Grace Chapter Members of The Order of the Daughters of the King® (DOK) are women and girls who desire a closer walk with the Lord. We are Christian women, both lay and ordained, who are strengthened through the discipline of a Rule of Life and supported through the companionship of our sisters. We are all at different stages of our Christian journey – some have just begun, and some have been on this…
Memorial Service – Geraldine Emory
In sure and certain hope of the Resurrection, Geraldine Emory has gone to be with her Savior and the angels. Geraldine “Gee Dee” Emory’s life will be celebrated at St Peter’s on Sunday, April 13 at 2 pm with reception to follow.
Combined Service
Prior to the annual meeting + potluck, there will be one combined worship services at 9 a.m. Join together with the entire congregation to pray together before we break bread together and conduct the important business of St. Peter’s. Please note this means there is an interruption to our usual 8 a.m. and 10 a.m. service schedule.