A long awaited project for St. Peter’s has reached completion. An official historical marker now sets out the details of our Rectory, the residence of the first Nevada State Governor. It took the persistent efforts of a trio of parishioners to “bring it home.” Hallie Murphy secured the donation of the stone building blocks. Gayle Bowers persuaded a donation of the masonry work to put it together. Marilyn Peshek persisted in tracking down and securing the plaque itself, long ago composed and ordered. Take a few moments to read it and see how it looks at the southeast corner of St. Peter’s campus.
In addition, a number of etched bricks have been created to commemorate various figures and groups significant to St. Peter’s long history. They await placement following the completion of our Memorial Garden. In the meantime, you can see a photos posted on the bulletin board above the coffee area in the Parish Hall of these and other bricks to be placed later this year. Hallie Murphy has served as the able coordinator of all of the etched brick program.
Past, present and future all strengthen what is St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, Carson City, Nevada.
Karen L. Kish