Sermons from 2019 (Page 2)

Sermons from 2019 (Page 2)

In Each Other’s Shoes

Reverend Eric tells about empathy, remembering how is the creator of the gardens we tend. The reading from Luke 14:1,7-14 is included in the recording and can be read here. Rev. Eric also reads from Hebrews 13:1-16 and can be read here.

Sabbath Burden & Sabbath Delight

Rev. Eric Heidecker talks about the use of scripture then and now in understanding the Sabbath and life. Our Gospel Luke 13:10-17 is included at the beginning of the recording and the Old Testament reading of Isaiah 58:9b-14 is read at the end.

Be Grace rather than…

Ash Wednesday message and scripture by Father Jeff. The Bible reading from Matthew 6:1-6 (click to read) is buzzy, but it is Lent, so endure it…or skip to the better audio beginning the message at 1:30

Green Book Transformation

The kind of transformation that we are invited to partake in with God and God’s people requires being in proximity with people, a close relationship with folks over time. The scripture is from Luke 9:28-36

What Is The Most Loving Thing To Do?

Rev. Eric explores Pauline perils, the Buddha in you, and ends with a 300-year-old prayer for the day. The blank space in the recording is where the title should be inserted. Scripture reading is 1 Corinthians 15:35-38, 42-50

Goading for God’s Sake

Father Jeff reveals there are no cliffs in Nazareth. He talks about the difference between collective memory and recorded history. At the end of the recording, there are some comments and questions that have been skipped because the congregation cannot be heard, we were able to keep Father Jeff’s responses. You can read the scripture by clicking on the scripture references here: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 and Luke 4:21-30  or listen to the gospel in our recording below. 

Jesus On A Scroll

Father Jeff talks about how Jesus signs up for God’s plan of mending all that is broken. You can read the scripture by clicking on the scripture references here: Nehemiah 8:1-10 and Luke 4:14-21  or listen to the gospel in our recording.

Saying God’s Spirit Is Moving—Out Loud

Father’s Jeff talks about humility that leads us to recognize God’s work in us, in others and in all of creation and join God in restorative justice. John St. Hilaire is outed as Jesus during this message. You can read the scripture by clicking on Luke 3:18-22 and listen to it read in the recording.

We Know How Foreigners Are

Father Jeff talks about his religious journey today and what a bad atheist he was. Included are quotes from Brian D. McLaren one of which is below. For centuries, Christianity has been presented as a system of beliefs. That system of beliefs has supported a wide range of unintended consequences, from colonialism to environmental destruction, subordination of women to stigmatization of LGBT people, anti-Semitism to Islamophobia, clergy pedophilia to white privilege. What would it mean for Christians to rediscover their…
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