

All Are Welcome

Welcome to St. Peter’s, the Episcopal Church in Carson City, Nevada. We are blessed with a rich heritage of community involvement.  We are a  diverse congregation of people; and we strive to be open-minded, inclusive and spiritually stimulating.  Since 1868 our church building has been a central feature of Carson City’s Historic District.

Whoever you are, wherever you are on your life journey, and regardless of  how seriously or casually you might be looking at or for a church…  you are welcome to join us as we support each other on our spiritual journeys and wrestle  with difficult questions that may have more than one answer, or no answer at all.  Here we value an Anglican spirituality – one that is open to the mystery of the Holy and which celebrates the dignity of human nature and the beauty of all creation.

In grateful response to the unlimited love of God that brings transformation and new life within the St. Peter’s community and beyond, we are called to share that love — especially with those who suffer from poverty, violence and injustice.

We invite you to join us as we embody God’s unbounded love by embracing, liberating and empowering people—whoever they are and wherever they find themselves on their journeys of faith.

In Christ,
Vestry of St. Peter’s